Edit to perfection

Edit to perfection

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Average rating out of 5 by user.

I was exhausted to rework on my dissertation.

The reason I decided to outsource my dissertation for editing services was that my mind was practically exhausted- of making the dissertation, collecting the data, conducting the survey, etc. At the end of the paper, I realized the dissertation still had loopholes and I couldn't possibly scrutinize the whole document once again for silly mistakes. Writers at DissertationDeal removed all the errors. They rephrased sentences, changed the referencing pattern, and even added a few references.


Average rating out of 5 by user.

Dissertation Deal has flexible pricing options.

I would certainly not like to pay $1,000 for editing a 100-page dissertation! Besides, their conduct was good. They responded to my query pretty quick, and never once did I have to follow up on the dissertation. The editing was perfect. Spell check, grammar check, adding graphs, removing bad content, adding new content, rectifying the references page, etc… the dissertation finally had it all!